Afv the lost videos

= America funniest home videos (aka afv) has been one of my favorite shows growing up I would always laugh at the video of kids and fat people falling off bikes in humiliation and painful ways. But in 2009 I stop watching the show after a disturbing experience. In 2009 I was playing team fortress 2 when one of steam friends send me a link I closed tf2 and copied the link into my browser. The link was a black page with a yellow download link I clicked the download it downloaded a video called afvthelostvideos.avi I opened the video and it didn’t start with the intro. The first video was I guy falling off a bike and splitting his large intestine and then tom demonically laughed. The next video was a little girl falling and then cutting her head i screamed and then tom laughed a aging it sounded really creepy and then I yelled at the screen calling a tom a dirty rotten pervert . The final video was the scariest video a kid was falling off his bike and then cutting his stomach and then the video ended. Then I got a message by the same friend who send me the link he said =